Unitel Software security policy is aimed at maintaining greater levels of physical and information security. We follow ISO 1799 standards for security management.
Physical Security
Photo ID cards and access cards with easy-to-identify bands are issued to all employees
Visitors are provided with separate ID cards and are not allowed beyond specific access points. They are accompanied by internal staff during their visit to the office premises.
We have fire protection and fire extinguishers available at comfortable distance.
The entire office premise has been designated as a non-smoking zone.
Presence of security guards and 24x7 surveillance system
Restricted access for each employee
Data Access Security
Each client's process is run on a separate VLAN/VPN when run off-shore/off-site
Software defined secure tunnels through the internet
Only client authorized personnel is allowed to access the VNC/VLAN/VPN. This setup prevents others from accessing the project information
Real-time Anti-virus and SPAM protection for desktops and servers
Annual maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance in place for critical assets
Adequate spares are available for all critical infrastructure, thereby minimizing downtime
Wireless LAN in the office is also security protected
Voice Calls Security
Authorization for use of VoIP lines and is provided on a need or project basis
ACD reports are generated on a weekly basis and analyzed