Application Devt & Mgmt

Unitel Software offers Application Development and Maintenance services with low cost, swift time-to-market, consistent control and premium quality - and all from your one IT solutions partner. Continuing shifts in underlying application infrastructure and the lack of expertise for successful development and deployment remain serious stumbling blocks for organizations, worldwide. In addition, IT faces the challenge of stringent budgets and aggressive timelines for any development initiative. We are committed to building effective, timely systems and delivering solutions that create clear and unparalleled business value for our clients. Custom software development brings applications to life. We make them affordable. From those who wish to establish an online presence and create more channels for their business to those who require complex web sites that offer online transactions and more interactivity.

We have experienced system analysts and programmers who can work for you starting from your requirement analysis to the application development and maintenance. Our focal point is not only application development but also its collaboration, deployment, management, migration and customization.


Application Development and Management

We, at Unitel Software Solutions can create, deploy and maintain customized applications which can be capitalized to improve your business solutions. We develop feature rich applications considering the industry standards and industry evolution which fit to the needs of the customers.

Intranet & Extranet Portal Development

As IT industry is developing, it is daily bringing new opportunities to streamline operations and improve intragroup communication. Portals are web based applications for information delivery.

Rich Internet Application Developmen

Unitel SoftwareTechnologiesPvt Ltd is a prominent name in the field of Rich Internet Application RIA development, on which you can rely upon for your need for web applications that have the features and functionality of desktop application.

Legacy System Migration

When the technologies are evolving continuously it has become almost mandatory to update and redesign the systems to be with the flux. At that time the organization can get the most cost-effective and valuable solutions by transformation of their legacy assets.

Ecommerce development

In today's competitive and dynamic business environment it is imperative for the organizations to remain on the toes at each and every moment. Having an online e-commerce store helps the organizations to have 24x7 business environment